Memes on memes on memes


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The three memes I have chosen are ‘Surprised Patrick’, a ‘Despicable Me’ and ‘Grumpy Cat’ combination, and a ‘Mean Girls’ meme. I love the idea of two memes in one because you can have best of both worlds. I love love the movie Despicable Me, especially the character Agnes. My parents say that she reminds them of the younger version of me, which I guess could be a good thing or a bad thing haha. Then, there is the Grumpy Cat. As anyone knows, anything that comes out of this cat’s mouth is GOLD. I chose the Mean Girls meme because not only am I a fan of the movie but the line used for the meme is such a popular line that people will even adopt the nickname ‘Glen Coco’ amongst themselves and their close friends as an inside joke. I would hear the name ‘Glen Coco’ repeatedly from people passing by and, even though I have seen the movie, never understand. I owe my sanity to this meme. Surprised Patrick comes from the television show Spongebob Squarepants, one of my childhood pastimes growing up and the way Spongebob is reacting to all of the miniature Patrick gifs is the same response you would expect to see from him in the actual show. That’s what memes do, especially ones that use subjects from t.v. shows or movies, they play on the script, like from a popular scene or common occurrence and it is comical for the viewers because the content in the meme provides just enough information for them to feel some kind of way. I think that is important in serving to re-instantiating and re-branding products which have outgrown their advertising cycle because it makes the viewer or audience feel nostalgic and instills in them the need to revisit or defamiliarize themselves with that particular product. I think I could incorporate memes into the final project by finding relevant themes that also suggest puns and add a flare of humor but still convey the significance of the message across to the audience.

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